Removal of the object suspected to be an alien implant. The next day, x-rays were taken as well as a CT scan. The radiologist checked the size and location of the object. His report isolated an X-ray opaque density in soft subcutaneous tissue below the surface, within the fat layer, representing calcification or a foreign body.

Removal alien implant, Gray Aliens, story from the book Roger Leir. No break in the skin was found on the CT scan. There was a minimal amount of fat packing around the radiation-opaque area. No abscesses or fluid discharge were noticed. The underlying musculature of the right thigh appeared normal. Atherosclerosis was noted by vascular calcification.

Removal object suspected to be an alien implant

On the same day, the patient underwent a blood and urine test analyzed by our surgical team. The results were consistent with those of a 49-year-old man with mild diabetes mellitus and it was considered that the operation could be performed without complications or health problems. The next day, December 15, 2007, Jack was operated on for the removal of the object suspected to be an alien implant.

Our surgical team and a television crew were there when Jack arrived on the ward. He was introduced to the team and received preliminary information on what was to come. After changing and donning a surgical gown, he was taken to the medical treatment room and a blood test was taken from his arm. This was placed in a centrifuge which separated the cells from the liquid part of the blood. This would then be used after the operation to store the surgical specimen. An ultrasound diagnostic unit was used to visualize the foreign body before it was removed. The process was successful and an image was obtained of the object inside Jack’s right thigh.

Jack was escorted into the operating room and placed on the table. He asked what position he was going to be and was told he would be on his back with his right knee bent. He then told us that he wanted to see the whole procedure and that he would prefer to be seated so that he had a good view of the operated area. Dr Matriciano and I were surprised at this unusual request. We discussed the matter among ourselves, and decided to accede to his request.

Jack was placed on the table, propped up with pillows, and covered with a sheet that revealed the right thigh area. Routine surgical preparation was then performed on site. The operating field was surrounded by sterile sheets. An x-ray machine mounted on a movable arm was set up to view the field on two television screens before administering an anesthetic. This was to ensure that the surgical field was just above the foreign object. A single injection of local anesthetic was given to her in this area.

Once this was done, the surgeon general and I left the operating room to put on our proper attire. When we returned to the room, the patient was told that the operation was about to begin. A single incision was made over the suspected area, and carefully deepened to where we expected to find the implant.

The movable arm was activated so that we could see our instruments in real time, in the depth of the tissue and visualize how close we were to the object. Several attempts were made to grab it with pliers, but several times failed because, for some unexplained reason, the object seemed to move away from the instrument when we approached it. We didn’t know if it was a magnetic effect or something else that we didn’t understand.

It is a fact that not all instruments are magnetizable, and if they were, it made this way of deviating even more mysterious. We finally had to use four hands and several instruments to isolate and clamp the object so that we could grasp it and bring it to the surface of the incision.

The object was then placed on a sterile surgical sponge, and superficially examined by me, the surgeon general and one of the four scientists at A&S Research. It looked very similar to other objects we had mined in this category, which was metallic with a biolayer. It was gray in color, about fourmm in length (including the biolayer), and the diameter of a large pencil lead.

The object was then placed in a container with the blood serum previously collected from the patient, and taken to a small laboratory in the same place. We examined the object superficially under a light microscope and determined that the surface structure was very similar to that of the previous objects. After this examination, the object was returned to the serum, and the container was sealed and signed by several witnesses and myself. The next time it was opened, it would also require multiple witness signatures to ensure that the chain of physical evidence was not broken.

A small bandage was applied to the surgical area, without discomfort to the patient. He received post-operative instructions and was returned to his hotel. We saw Jack again that evening at dinner and he seemed unaffected by the operation.

It should be noted that Jack was followed for several months after the operation. At first he had a few moments of depression which lasted only a few days and then there was a kind of remission phenomenon in which he regained his health and regained the weight he had before his military period.

On top of that, Jack was so curious about his implant removal that he requested to undergo a hypnotic regression before leaving California. We contacted Yvonne Smith, a well-known hypnotherapist who had been trained by the late Budd Hopkins, and she agreed to perform this hypnosis procedure. I was present throughout the session and can attest that the patient was in a deep state of hypnosis. When the session was over, the patient told me that he had “never been in a state of hypnosis”. I let him continue to believe that, thinking it was better for his psyche this way.

During this session, we went into a bit more detail about what had happened in the device, particularly in a room where a machine was being operated from a distance, making a shrill noise that painfully “tore her ears”. Meanwhile, Jack was sitting, either on a seat sticking out of the wall, or on a pedestal, or maybe just on the floor. He couldn’t tell. The machine he described had one arm running down his right thigh and inserting something into his body. After which that unbearable sound finally ceased, the pain subsided and he was taken out of the room by typical “Gray” Aliens.